FAQ Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

-Shipping and Delivery-

Delivery Information?

To view delivery information for your package, including estimated delivery time and tracking number, please log in to your account and visit the "Order History" section or use the tracking link sent to you in your confirmation email.

Where is my package?

You can track your package using the tracking number sent to you in your confirmation email. Visit the PostNord website and use the tracking feature to see the latest delivery status of your package.


Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we ship clothes internationally. Please note that international deliveries may take longer and have higher shipping costs.

How do I know if my order has been shipped?

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with delivery information and possibly a tracking number for your package.

How do I know if my package has arrived?

You will receive a notification when your package has been delivered to your specified delivery address. You can also track your package's delivery status using the provided tracking number.

Can I change or cancel orders?

We strive to process orders as quickly as possible to ensure fast delivery. Please contact our customer service as soon as possible if you need to change or cancel your order. Please note that we may not be able to change or cancel your order if it has already been shipped.

No order confirmation has been received?

If you have not received your order confirmation, please check your spam folder. If you still can't find it, please contact our customer service for assistance.

How long does it take for an order to arrive?

Delivery time varies depending on your location and any international deliveries. Typically, delivery takes between 2-5 business days.


What payment methods can I use?

We accept multiple payment methods at checkout. You can see all available payment options at checkout.

Payment Security?

We use secure payment methods and encrypted technology to ensure that your payment information is protected and secure.


Do you want to return a product or change size?

If you want to return a product or change size, please contact our customer service to arrange a return or exchange. Make sure the product is in its original condition with all tags attached.

Returns and Exchanges?

We offer returns and exchanges for all purchased clothes. For more information about our return policy and how to return a product, please visit our return policy page. 


Size Guide

We understand the importance of having the right size for your clothes. Currently, we unfortunately do not offer a specific size guide for our products. However, we are continuously working to improve our service and we will consider including a size guide in the future to facilitate for our customers.

New Collections

We are constantly working to make our customers happy and develop the perfect collection for you. Please contact our customer service for further questions.

Are you unsure about sizes?

If you are unsure about which size to choose, do not hesitate to contact our customer service for assistance. Our team is here to answer all your questions and provide advice on sizes and fit for our clothes.

Are the clothes for everyone?

Yes, our clothes are made to be worn by all our customers. That is to say, we value our clothes as unisex.

If you cannot find the answers you are looking for, you are always welcome to contact us at Info@whosace.com.